A brand to give the consumer a voice.

New brand and identity for Procon MS.


Working in an agency allows the designer to have access to some works that would hardly appear working in a studio. This is the case of the reformulation of the Procon brand in Mato Grosso do Sul. The agency sought Agility Propaganda for the rebrand work.

The Solution we found was to create a brand that represented the citizen's voice.

It was important to us that the Procon MS brand be perceived as an ally of citizens, an accessible entity committed to protecting their rights and interests.

More than that, it was important for citizens to see themselves in the plays and in every identity. An immediate identification with those with colors, shapes, and visual language.

We explored a lot the format of the dialogue bubble as a reference base for the entire development of communication.

We were able to go deeper into the purpose of the brand and propose a tagline more appropriate to its objectives. YOU SPEAK, PROCON HAPPENS. A tagline that places the consumer as an agent of transformation.

In the end, the result was very satisfactory, a new, lively brand capable of placing citizens and dialogue at the center of all communication.

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Avenida do Poeta, 176, Bloco D, ap 104.
Parque dos Poderes
CEP 79031350 - Campo Grande MS
(67) 984046299